2025 Sock & Undie 5K Rundie Sponsorships

Complete the form fields to make your 2025 Socks & Undie 5K Rundie Sponsorship Pledge .

Your financial support provides quality, well-fitting clothing to children and families across the Triangle with dignity and love. Your donation will be used to support our programs where it is needed most to fulfill our mission.

Donations By Mail:
Note in the Pocket,
9650 Strickland Rd., Suite 103-168,
Raleigh, NC 27615

Our Accountability:

We are able to accomplish so much because we ARE good stewards of our resources, maximizing the funding that goes toward our work ending clothing insecurity. Our program efficiency meets standards set by both Charity Navigator and GuideStar, meaning you can be confident that any investment in Note in the Pocket will be put to good use.