We're Making a Difference

Clothed 10,000+ children and adults in 2024
Delivered 239,247 clothing items in 2023
Processed 422,704 pounds of clothing donations in 2024
Hosted 50 Pocket Pop Ups since 2020
Clothed 9,954 individuals at Pocket Pop Ups since 2020
Partnered with 7,782 volunteers in 2024
Volunteers provided 29,714 hours of service in 2023
Clothed 1,282 individuals through Durham expansion in 2024

Our Goal


Our goal is to serve


children and families in 2025

Every year, Note in the Pocket serves more individuals by providing quality clothing to impoverished students. But the need is also growing. Over the past four years, we’ve seen a 70% increase in the number of clothing requests Note in the Pocket receives. With your help, we can continue to address clothing insecurity and increase our impact on Wake and Durham counties. With your help, we can clothe more children with dignity and love.


Our goal is to serve


children and families in 2025

Every year, Note in the Pocket serves more individuals by providing quality clothing to impoverished students. But the need is also growing. Over the past four years, we’ve seen a 70% increase in the number of clothing requests Note in the Pocket receives. With your help, we can continue to address clothing insecurity and increase our impact on Wake and Durham counties. With your help, we can clothe more children with dignity and love.

Families have been well pleased with the clothing they received. Most recently, I had a middle school student who needed khaki uniform pants in a size 42. Note in the Pocket quickly provided the pants and some underwear, which were not requested in the referral. I consider this outstanding service, going above and beyond the call/expectations.

- Social Worker, WCPSS

Before Note in the Pocket, we are unable to fill clothing requests for our families as we are unable to use our funding for clothing requests even though it is one of our biggest needs.

- Case Manager, First In Families

It is a wonderful organization! Our families have several children and have limited resources. Note in the Pocket is instrumental in dressing the children with a great selection of clothing.

- Case Manager, First United Methodist Church, Cary, NC

I have been involved with Note in the Pocket since conception. Since then many dozens of families have received the necessary clothing to attend school with pride and dignity. During a students maturation up grades levels they begin to notice other students that have new clothes and they are wearing the same clothing they for months. Note in the Pocket is so much more than clothing for our students.

- Social Worker, Poe Elementary

The Carying Place is immensely grateful to Note in the Pocket for providing the children in our program with age and season appropriate clothing. I have personally witnessed the way clothes from Note in the Pocket affect the children in our program. Many nights they come to our weekly program wearing the various new clothes and/or shoes they received and they are more confident and engaged in the night’s activities along with speaking with their peers.

- Case Manager, The Carying Place